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Harnessing the power of relationships in schools

Secure attachment relationships correlate strongly with higher academic attainment, better emotional self-regulation and social competence. Educators who can harness the power of relationships, particularly with challenging and vulnerable children and young people, unlock the door to improve their chances of learning and achieving.

We know from the parents and carers we work with that attachment issues due to early life trauma and loss, and their subsequent behavioural challenges, are often poorly understood by schools. We also know that the traditional lens of behaviourism does not work for these children, leading to labels and behavioural approaches that may be more harmful than helpful.

An opportunity to change the mindset

Our work with hundreds of families living with relational trauma has allowed us to understand first-hand the pivotal and progressive role a school can provide for their students when they adopt an attachment-aware and trauma-informed practice.


And the best bit? An attachment-aware approach benefits everyone, from children to adults, from parents and carers to all school staff – harnessing the power of relationships in schools means developing an effective social and emotional framework in which everyone can thrive.

Outstanding support for your school

We are proud to be rated as Outstanding by Ofsted in March 2023, in recognition of the transformative power of our therapeutic and training services. â€‹


We can support schools and education settings with the following services:

  • Trauma and attachment led consultations for staff

  • Connecting Up interventions between home and school

  • Workshops for parents and carers

  • Trauma and attachment training for schools


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